The prophecies which have been sealed up in the book of Daniel are unsealed now that we are in the time of the end (Daniel 12:4). In his new book Dr. Poon reveals to us what has been hidden in Daniel as well as Revelation. Digging deep into prophetic words in the entire Bible, he leaves no stone unturned. The following is a hidden prophecy unsealed by Dr. Poon. What is even more shocking is that he found confirmation of the prophetic time in two other prophecies in the Scripture. 

Dr. Jimmy Poon is releasing his second book in

September 2022


1 Edwin R. Thiele, “The Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 1944, 147–155, 184. 
2 “Solomon,” Wikipedia. Date of access: October 19, 2021 ( 
3 Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible, NKJV (Indianapolis, IN: B.B. Kirkbride Bible Co., 2003), 2051, 2062. 
4 After wandering in the wilderness for forty years, Israel took nine years to conquer Canaan and settle down to start cultivating the land. (Joshua 14 to 19; Acts 13:17-19)

​​1 Kings 6:1 (NIV)

In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord. 
The verse above tells us that construction of the temple of the Lord began on the fourth year of Solomon’s reign. It is generally accepted that Solomon became king in 970 BC. [1,2,3] The fourth year of his reign would be 967 BC. The sons of Israel left Egypt 480 years before that. 967 plus 480 equals 1447. Therefore, the day when the Lord led them out of Egypt was Nisan 15, 1447 BC. Shortly after that, Moses received instructions on keeping Sabbath Years and Jubilee Years as recorded in Leviticus 25.

The year count in the Hebrew calendar starts in Tishri  which is around September or October in the year before in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore the first year that the people of Israel was set free from Egyptian bondage was the Hebrew year which started on Tishri 1 of 1448 BC. Counting 1448 BC as year one, the 49th year would be the Hebrew year which began on Tishri 1, 1400 BC. The fiftieth year marks the commemoration of Israel’s liberation from the bondage of slavery and the beginning of counting Jubilee Year cycles in the promised land in 1399 BC. [4] Jubilee Year cycle must synchronize with the Sabbath Year cycle because a Jubilee Year must always be the year after every seventh Sabbath Year. Therefore a Jubilee Year comes up every forty nine years.

70 x 49 = 3430. Seventy “heptads” equals 3430 years. 
Since there is only one year going from 1 BC to 1 AD (there is no “year zero”), the number of years between 1399 BC and AD 2032 is exactly 3430 (1399 + 2032 - 1 = 3430). Daniel 9:24 prophesies that the Year of Jubilee will be proclaimed for the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem in 2032. Jesus entered the holy city as the Anointed King of Israel on Nisan 10, AD 32 as predicted in this prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27. He then fulfilled the plan of redemption on Nisan 14 as the Passover Lamb of God. He will return exactly two thousand years later in 2032. The proclamation of the coming King of Israel will be made on Yom Kippur, 2032, as Israel and Jerusalem will be redeemed in this Jubilee Year. 
The mysteries of raptures and Christ’s return are unveiled in this book; the secrets hidden in 666, the antichrist, the false prophet, mystery Babylon, the great harlot, the battle of Armageddon, the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls are decoded. Dr. Poon wraps up this insightful book by giving predictions based on the Bible about what will happen from now until 2032. This book is a timely must-read for all. Please access the link below for book reviews.

The Hebrew word translated ‘sevens’ here is ‘shabuim’ which means ‘multiples of seven’. The Orthodox Jewish Bible uses the word ‘heptads’ to translate this word more accurately. Heptads  means multiples of seven and the perfect multiple of seven is 7 x 7 or 49. This refers to the cycle of Jubilee Years given to Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai shortly after their liberation from Egypt as recorded in Leviticus 25. This points to the redemption of Jerusalem and Israel by the Messiah after 70 jubilee cycles. In other words, after 70 periods of 49 years (I.e. 3,430 years), Jesus will declare the redemption of Jerusalem and Israel on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) when the Jubilee Year is proclaimed.

When did the nation of Israel settle in the promised land and start the Jubilee Year cycle?


​末世預言啟示錄  -  作者: 潘志明医生